Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Creature of Habit

There was once a tree that refused to turn green in summer. That now it is time, every one of the tree's kin has yielded to what Nature meant for them to become. But the Tree-That-Could-Never-Move-On remains to be red as it was in winter. And when you gaze at the beautiful anomaly, you cannot help but imagine how hard it must have tried not to be engorged by everything that is green surrounding it. Perhaps you could feel it pulsating, struggling. Then I thought about what the brave tree has taught: moving on might not really mean progress, or what many people think as change for the better. Moving on doesn't mean moving forward. You could move sidewards or in a manner that's pathetically circular. I liked the red tree the way it is, how it doesn't move on. It still, however, remains in a state of pretty--a state everyone hates and envies, an amazing stasis where I, too, want to merge with. But in the end, the Tree, with all its fiery willpower, withered and died; and it lived because the life it breathed was all in its leaves--not by told by the wind nor by any other current, but by itself. Thus it has lived like no other tree has.


cathara said...

i could relate :D somehow, the tree is just like a human being. but i like to believe, we die a little everyday, and relive


Eliot said...

This tree is actually me, not just because I'm wearing a similar colored jacket. hahaha. My stay in Korea, how I wished it lasted longer, if not forever. But yeah, good things never last.

Beena said...

Wow. I envy you again for having written such beautiful poetic prose with a metaphorical meaning ^^

I think I could also relate. That is how I felt after graduating...

Anonymous said...

Profound yet hip...I am loving your blog. Thanks for inviting me over.

E-Tavasi said...

Wah the tree and you with the same colour.. :D

Anonymous said...

What a niece piece. Sorry, I'm speechless.

Vhiel said...

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I hope you can join in.

Can of Thoughts
Designs By Vhiel

Anonymous said...

i see the tree as something that wants to stick out like a sore thumb. sometimes, its nice to be different. :)

thanks for the visit.

sure, let's exlinks and ill favor you in technorati.

Permanence in Change
The Life of a Tatapilla
I Am a Shoe-aholic
I Eat Therefore I Am...

Liz said...

hi elliot! maski ako rin nagulat sa stats ko, hindi ko rin alam how it happened, haha. basta i joined memes, did tags and bloghopping, ganun lang.

if you want to monetize, you have to be an active blogger for 3 months before you can register with the ad networks, maarte yung iba, kailangan me page rank, pero meron ding hindi.

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i think, ito ang isa sa nagpataas sa authority ko ;)