Friday, July 4, 2008

A Mechalife

Ticking till the batteries run dry,
With arms
Rotating faithfully till it dies,
Whose life is like a clock?

It never misses a single second
For when it does, it shall be discarded.
Whose life hangs
On rigid concrete pillars?

From a burning house,
Nobody saves the servile clock
For there are many to replace it with.

The clock ticks away,
Like a bomb that won't explode,
In the silence of the night it reigns,
Only to be drowned at the break of day.

An essay eluded me tonight, hence, this.


Mar C. said...

"The clock ticks away,
Like a bomb that won't explode,
In the silence of the night it reigns,
Only to be drowned at the break of day".. i like this line... hehe. just dropping by.

Anonymous said...

I like the word Mechalife...How were you able to coin such unique descriptions of guy huh!