If you're working with Koreans, you might have wanted to learn their language, Hanguk-o. This is the perfect software pack designed for self-study.
Each costs 300php + 150php standard shipping fee anywhere in the Philippines.
Payment is through Paypal, BPI, or BDO.
Contact me for details.

thanks for sharing. :]
hi! i'm MheAnn and i'm a fresh grad from ateneo... i was wondering if you know any scholarships in korea that offers only learning the korean language? thaaanks so much :)
hi, i am interested with the software, most probably i can pay u thru BPI. please contact me thru email, deckyjoe@yahoo.com thanx~
thanks for this!!
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This is the Declan software, right? I have been using it and find it very comprehensive.
There's another one, Rosetta Stone Language Learning Series, awesome!
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