Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"Happy" Labor Day

Labor Day. If you think it's "happy", then you've got a problem. It's here to convince us to pay taxes more diligently, to establish obeisance to an extractive institution that shells out subconscious benefits at best. 

Did you know that you have to work for 4 months just to cover all the taxes you need to pay? I'm not saying to not pay taxes. It's just that many people are complacent tax-payers. Little do they know that there are ways to reduce these awful deductions--yes, even if they're single and without dependents.
Play it smart. Learn how to play the game. Or others will toy with you.

I'd rather call today Happy Financial Independence Day.
Let's sit together sometime to achieve this.

-Eliot, Licensed Financial Adviser

  For a free consultation, please send an email to horebelliot at yahoo dot com.

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